Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Jingdezhen residency is going well.

Hello everyone!
The Jingdezhen residency is going well. We have all had a very full on first week. We packed as much into our 3 days in Shanghai as we could. Very exhausted at the end of each day.

Jingdezhen is such an amazing place. I couldn't have imagined the amount of potteries here. It's mind blowing! We were all a little bit stunned for the first couple of days. We have started in the studios now. It's hard to know where to start, as there is so much to try.

We have already had an under glaze lesson and an over glaze lesson. The clay is very different from the ones we are used to. I found throwing with the clay ok, but turning it is very difficult. But I'll keep practicing.

The staff here are really nice. When we are not eating at the residency the staff and artists all go together and eat at a restaurant. Last night we went to a hot pot restaurant. I am still getting used to all the chilli. I think I ate about 2 mouth fulls and my mouth felt like it was on fire!

The studio spaces are great. Plenty of room and facilities. We have all bought a lot of tools and materials. They are way too cheap here. So it is easy to buy anything that you need.

The locals seem to be as fascinated with us, as we are with them. Everyone stares at us as we walk past. I was walking home from the shops yesterday and a man riding a bike went passed me and kept looking back and staring at me. He must have gone around the block, because a few minutes later he went past again and kept staring back at me. So I smiled and waved. :)

For some reason it is really hard to attach photos at the moment. I have attached a photo from the Peoples Square in Shanghai. It was a really pretty garden.

I'll keep you updated as I go.
Love, Erin

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